Sunday, April 28, 2013

Continued Work in Progress - Cafe du Muses Shoe

 One of my favorite 2013 shoes was the Hubig's Pie shoe because it was so much fun to riff on an iconic NOLA logo. So I've been thinking more and more about other NOLA iconography that might be fun to play with, like the Sucre Shoe and the K&B Shoe.

I've also been working on a white and green Cafe du Monde shoe, but naturally it's going to read "Cafe du Muses" instead.

As I wrote about here, I first tried doing a green base and adding white stripes, but it wasn't working out. So on take 2 I started out spray painting white paint as a base, then did three coats of white (Martha Stewart glitter, color is I think called "crystal"). When I did these three coats, I mixed the Mod Podge with a little white paint to help get a really clean white base.

The interior is Recollections, color "espresso" (though I'm thinking of it more like coffee with chicory...). I started adding green stripes, still have a lot of green to add, but it's easier to add green than white, so I'm going slowly to minimize frustration. The heel and sole will also be green.

I started working on the lettering to transfer (again, Recollection "espresso" glitter), first attempts shown below with the in progress shoe:

When I'm working on lettering to transfer, I'll do a couple of versions of each bit so I can pick the best once the paint and glitter dry: here I did "Cafe Du" three times, and the "us" in "Muses" six times because it's tougher to get right, as it's not part of the original phrase.

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