Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cafe du Monde Shoe: working with white glitter

I'm working on a Cafe du Monde (but of course, it'll say Cafe du Muses), and wanted to compile some notes briefly on working with pale shades of glitter. My first attempt at getting white and green stripes onto a shoe, I went about it wrong. I put down a green base and tried to add the white stripes over that, and it was not happening. White glitter is tough. 

Tulip and Recollections are pretty forgiving because they're relatively opaque, while some of the Martha Stewart glitters are tougher to get a good effect out of due to their translucency. This is especially true of the paler shades, and white glitter is the toughest. To get a reasonable end product, white glitter needs to go onto a white base. Your options are therefore to (1) start with white shoes or (b) spray paint a base coat before glittering. I'm going to try both approaches. I think spray painting a base coat is a good idea anyways, so this shouldn't be a big hassle.

For my second attempt, I started out spray painting a brown low heeled shoe white.

Spray painted shoes drying, the white shoe in the upper right

Second step will be coating the shoes with two coats of Martha Stewart in "crystal." Then I'll add the green stripes, glitter the interior a nice chicory coffee brown, and add the lettering (likely by transfer, more on that later)

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