Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Quick updates

This time of year (i.e. any time of year that isn't a few months before Carnival), it can be tough to get into the mood for shoe glittering. But I find glittering year round is worth the effort: you feel like an extra fabulous little ant storing up for the winter, or maybe something out of a Laura Ingle Wilder novel, putting up jars of preserves and glittered shoes...

To help you get in the mood, maybe check out some of these tutorials, read through some of the Muses articles from this somewhat out of date list I compiled a few years ago, and put on your shoe glittering soundtrack (this is my playlist). Some more updates in the glitter blogosphere:

1) HOORAY! Another Muses shoe blogger!! Glitter Buzz NOLA

2) I finally uploaded most of pictures of the dRK Koplitz Collection 2015 shoes I wanted to share to their designated board, so go forth and oogle them

3) A lovely blog entry on Muses shoes, with some great pictures of the process

If you're a year-round glitterer, hope this helps you create some inspiring atmosphere. Of course, I realize in NOLA it's festival season right now, so y'all may not be inclined to stay home and glitter on the weekends. It's ok, I understand (and I'm jealous).


  1. Congratulations on your upcoming ride in 2016! And thank you for the shout out to Glitter Buzz NOLA! I am diligently working on getting my site together, and I plan on posting inspirational stuff in the next few days! Angela
